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Pros and Cons of using Cisco Webex ---Online Meeting Platform

Cisco Webex is an online meeting conducting platform used widely all over the globe. It is used by different businesses, educational institutions, government organisations, NGOs and many more sectors to achieve the work function with safety of health amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. The platform is easy to use and has its own numerous benefits and drawbacks. This article will highlight some interesting aspects of using Cisco Webex for online meeting conduction.

Benefits of using Cisco Webex for online meetings

Drawbacks of using Cisco Webex for online meetings

Records meeting and make it available for offline use

Application is needed to be downloaded before use

Available in both IOS and Android version

Comment control and chat control is weak

Available for all the device

The website version is weaker as compared to the app version.

Advantages of using Cisco Webex for the online meeting:

Easy Sharing Option:

Cisco Webex provides an easy to share option for all types of content during the meeting. From videos to PowerPoint presentations, the host can share the content with the attendees. This makes it easy for businesses to conduct a perfect meeting and presentation with marketers and investors. Moreover, content sharing can be controlled by the meeting host to prevent any consequences. The webcam option is also available which makes the user experience more efficient and powerful.

Easy invitation:

Cisco Webex meetings are easy to join and can be accessed within a few clicks. The host can easily invite attendees to join the meeting by sending a text message or mail. It is easy to join for users by following simple steps. Moreover, the application creates a unique link every time for a different meeting to avoid any kind of conflict or misuse of data shared during the meeting. This makes it user friendly and easy to gain a large audience. The application is best for educational purposes, small business meetings and many more.

HD video and audio:

The Cisco Webex provides high definition visual and sound quality. This makes the user experience more smooth and effective. The Cisco Webex meetings have high quality video access in free mode also. The video quality is available up to 1080p. The internet data used during the meetings is also minimal which makes it more affordable. The sound breaking problem does not arise if effective internet connection is available. Hence, it serves as a perfect platform for a long period meeting or conference.

Effective tools:

The Cisco Webex has access to a variety of tools which makes it easy and efficient to work from home. It has access to excel sheets, google sheets, google calendar and many more which helps in managing and organising the schedule of the meetings and other work. Moreover, it's easy to share the task and schedule with the members of a company. This helps the team members of the company to block and manage their time for meetings at prophase.

More tools are available in the meeting applications like taking notes option. This helps the attendees of the meeting to note the main points and make some easy to refer to crisp content. This tool serves best for educational meetings, online courses and free tutorial meetings. Hence, the Cisco Webex provides all important tools which make the meetings successful and fruitful amidst the pandemic.

Stream live meetings on social media:

The Cisco Webex application makes it easy to gather a large number of audience. It aids you to stream live meetings on social media like Facebook. Around 2 billion people use Facebook, this makes it easy and efficient to reach a perfect audience. Webinars, promotional content, and educating content can be shared live on social media. This makes high traffic reach to your webinars. Hence Cisco Webex is a highly recommended app for streaming long form content on social media.

Reasonable Subscription Plans:

Multiple and reasonable subscription plans are available for better and long term usage. The subscription plans are easy to understand and do not have more complex planning. This makes the buyer not confuse between selection among multiple subscription plans. The users don't end up spending more than sufficient capital in conducting online meetings and conferences. This makes it easy for small businesses and startups which are non-friendly with technical concepts and it's usage.

Disadvantages of using Cisco Webex for the online meeting.

Security Issues:

Due to an increase in the usage of the application, the hacking system has also evolved. Many invasive activities are noticed in the meetings despite taking proper safety measures. This can be risky for companies to share their confidential data in the meetings as it can be leaked. The hacking occurs and cybersecurity is also disturbed without leaking of passwords. This states clearly that the application fails to provide effective security from their side. The server is affected and is more predictable to cyber attacks due to less safety management. This creates an unhealthy platform for doing business meetings, crucial government organisations meetings or any confidential conferences.

Small Audience friendly:

The Cisco Webex application provides maximum attendees up to 3000. It also needs a minimum requirement of 25 attendees to start a meeting. The free model of the application allows a maximum of 100 attendees in a meeting. Moreover, the time of the meeting is also restricted up to 50 minutes for free mode. This does not allow a gathering of a large audience and restricts the meeting to a small group of audience. This makes it hard for large businesses and organisations to conduct a meeting using the application. Moreover, many webinars and online courses require a large number of attendees accommodation which cannot be fulfilled by this platform.

Large Memory Usage:

The meetings get recorded and the data shared during the meeting. However, the problem is it takes a lot of memory in storing the data. It can take up to 1 to 1.5 GB of storage occupancy for saving a single 1-hour meeting. This makes it difficult to store and manage data as well as the content with efficiency. Hence, the platform does not serve well in managing the memory and storing the data in a storage friendly manner.

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